Monday, March 31, 2014

All of the Technology

Life has been a little hectic hence the not posting for so long... Ooops?

Since the last time I updated I got a new piece of diabetes technology the wonderful Dexcom G4 Continuous Glucose Monitor. I have been wanting on of these babies since July but I first had to get onto a pump and then battle my Endo to send in the prescription for one.

This was a really long process because my Endo sucks. He hates all diabetes technology and would only offer Medtronic pumps to me but after much insistence he finally got the point that I wanted the T:slim.Getting the Dexcom was even worse for starters he had no idea what a CGM was (how a pediatric diabetes specialist doesn't know these things is beyond me) and then he tried to insist that if I just tested more I wouldn't need one ( my poor finger would run away if I stabbed them the 10+ times a day he was suggesting) finally after getting the diabetes educator in the office to go around him and send the prescription off anyway and a 3 month battle with my insurance my dexcom showed up at my door.

I am absolutely in love with this thing I can see my spikes which helps me to not want to eat those quick carbs and apparently I drop low quite often at 6 am. Who would have known? Not me I'm never awake then. I now feel like I have all of the best diabetes technology for the time being, although I am using a very basic bg meter (the one touch ultra mini) because after using the Verio IQ for I bit I hated it, charging it was just a pain on top of my phone and pump and CGM not to mention it uses a different cord than all of those that I kept losing. I have an appointment with my Endo tomorrow and I'm excited to see what my A1c will be since this will be the first one where I have been on the pump for the whole picture and I've had the Dexcom for 1/3 of the time.

This is also my last appointment with this terrible Endo before I leave for the summer and I don't plan on having another one before I move to Idaho in August. ( Fingers crossed he lets me do that)