Monday, February 10, 2014

Dying Normally

So to be honest I go in and out of being way to lazy with my diabetes care. It's something I'm really trying to improve on and those lazy spots keep getting smaller and smaller.

I found something lately that while it really points out the suckish part of this disease it helped to inspire me to get better at taking care of myself. Basically somebody told me that the only reward for taking care of diabetes is dying the normal way. I realized that I really preferred dying the normal way as opposed to having a seizure and going into a coma I never woke up from. I have been able to test beyond what my doctor even asked of me.

So that's my not so uplifting thought Monday.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Nope not gonna work.

I'm always amused at how people treat diabetes as a naturally curable thing but at some point I just become seriously annoyed. It's one of the reasons I'm such a big advocate for renaming type one to make people realize I might as well have no pancreas because it's as good as dead.

When people cross the line from trying to be helpful to being downright stupid I let them know but it tends to not be in the nicest way. For instance my aunt who I love dearly tried to convince me to try the okra water thing (soaking okra in water overnight and drinking it) and normally because she's family I would have smiled and nodded but this woman is married to a type one diabetic and she doesn't understand the disease! I told her as nicely as I could that it was a bunch of horse crap and explained that you can't regrow beta cells with okra.

No cinnamon will not help, exercising will only reduce the amount I need, and avoiding candy won't prevent me from needing insulin (newsflash carbs break down into sugar).

That's my little rant for the day have a beautiful weekend.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

T:slim pump review.

So I've been on this pump for about 4 months now and I gotta say I love it. It is my first pump, so I don't have anything to compare it to. That being said here are some of my favorite things:

  • It doesn't stick out in your pocket people assume its a phone and even on your belt it doesn't look like a 90's relic which most pumps do.
  • Touch screen so bolus's are super fast and even faster with the quick bolus options which lets you bolus without looking at the screen. 
  • Tandem is a great company, I wish I could contract through them (with my insurance I have to work with CCS a 3rd party supplier who suck more on that later) because they have great customer service I guess I will have to settle with only working with them on pump problems.
  • The personal profiles are a great feature days where I'm not working require a lot more insulin and it's so simple to just switch and not have to remember every time I bolus.
I only wish it had some games because how cool would that be. I love having this pump. When I wake up in the middle of the night and wonder what time it is I don't have to search for my phone because a clock is connected to me.

Hey Guys!

So a little about me I'm 17 a freshman in college and a type 1 diabetic. I was diagnosed in February of last year and it wasn't super terrible. I didn't go into a depression, I grew up around diabetes (both my grandfather and uncle have type 2 and are insulin dependent) I had some anger, some why me but nothing super terrible. There were some ups and downs in taking care of it but once I got on the t:slim pump I got much better and everything's starting to balance out.

This blogs basically gonna be about ups and downs, life happenings, and reviews of diabetes related stuff.